'But you're wrong, Steve: you see, it's only solitaire.'

quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2020

A bootlegless update


I don't know if anyone will read this. It feels like forever since I last tried to upload a few bootlegs here and share a little bit of everything I got over the years. Nowadays, it's all cramped in a HD somewhere and I doubt I will ever take a second look at it. Truth be told, every show from a Tull tour's leg is the same. Exactly the same, down to every single note, even the ones that might sound improvised. In this scenario, before each audition, there was a lot of rehearsal.
I picked one from each year, the ones that sounded better, and am I very happy listening to them, thank you very much. Also, nowadays, with the 40th (sometimes 50th) anniversary boxsets being released, all the hidden gems are officially out in the open. Could you guys imagine thinks like Old Aces Die Hard? The longer version of Orion? So many wonderful pieces of music.

I saw Ian play live for the first time after my last post, and one time more after that. And I also saw a Martin Barre concert with Dee Palmer. I even had to chance to talk to them, take pics and get autographs, and it was awesome. Covid-19 got in the way of me seing Ian a third time, sadly. Maybe next year. 

Anyway, I just remembered about this blog. The memory came to me out of nowhere. It was so much fun putting it together, downloading bootlegs from shady FLAC torrent sites, converting them to MP3 (because who has space for a bootleg that occupies 4 gigabytes?) and uploading them here. 
I am very sorry if you are an audiophile and you got mad at me at some point. You see, I can't tell the difference between FLAC and 320 kbps MP3, so I never cared. Apart from that, I am deeply grateful to all the guys that taped those concerts, but converting and uploading them somewhere else never weighed on my conscience. I just wanted that amazing music that never got to see the light of day to reach more fans. And I thinks I did a quite decent job with that.
I remember getting comments and e-mails from people all around the globe, and it was so satisfying talking with those guys and very gratifying to hear how thankful they where for this blog. 

Nowadays my life got much more complicated (adulthood gets real after your 25th birthday), my interests shifted towards SFF literature and all the time I have goes towards this passion. 

Anyway, I just felt the urge to post and say hi. The post before this one contains the only bootlegs that are still available for download. I shall not repost them once and if the links fail, and I don't plan on adding new content to the blog. I will just let it here, as a testament of my love for all things Tull.

Thanks for visiting and, as I used to say in the old days, 
Keep on Tullin'!

Lucas Ferraz

segunda-feira, 3 de março de 2014

Partial Reupload

Hello guys!
I began reuploading a few bootlegs. I intend to do it with more recordings in a near future. I upload them on Mega. Let's see if it works out.
For now, the bootlegs available are the ones listed below:

domingo, 2 de março de 2014

Chateau d'Isaster Tapes Remastered

Local: Recored in Château d'Hérouville in August and September of 1972.

Tracks: Intro / Scenario / Audition / Skating Away on the Thin Ice of a New Day / Sailor / No Rehearsal

Quality: Excelent
Total Length: 21:13 min.

Download link:
Download (94,7 mb)

Comments: I recently have been listening a lot to Nightcap and the Chateau recordings. I remembered about the Minstrel in the Red House bootlegs that includes the raw recording of what was to be a side of the double album that was reworked as A Passion Play. I then found a bootleg called "The Lost Chateau Album (A Partial Reconstruction). It is very interesting as an attempted to recreate to some degree the double album. Of this bootleg I will post only this piece, it's the track from Minstrel in the Red House remastered, and the guy who did the remastering did a really wonderful job. I unfortunately don't know his name to credit him here. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

domingo, 24 de novembro de 2013

A New Day and Brick Live and Full

No, I'm not talking about Martin Barre's New Day. It's a New Day for the blog. It happens I'm quite involved with Jethro Tull once more, listening a lot, reading a lot, putting things together for a Tull project I hope one day I'll be able to disclose to you all. Tull it's one the things in my life that comes and goes all the time but never leaves for good. I just really stopped due to the big dissapointment of having all my posts of years wasted by Mediafire's decision to shut down my account. I'm not capable now of uploading the bootlegs once more because I have no access to them at this moment. My external HD has just died and my main notebook is with a weird problem. I can't log on in my admin account, so everything is locked there. Safe but inacessible for now.
I'll begin, however, to post a few things in here. I don't really know what I'll be posting in the future, but yesterday I came accross a Youtube video that ignited my sleeping, but not dead, pleasure to share Tull through this blog. So without any more delays, a Pro-shot film of Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson & Band perfoming Thick As A Brick live, like the old days. It's nice to see this. The music is really well played, the overcoats, the phone thing updated with Skype, and Ryan O'Donnel helping out really well with the vocal parts.
Really awesome. Hope you enjoy! Oh, and leave a comment, so I can see if this blog still has any audience at all!

Keep on Tullin'!


domingo, 6 de janeiro de 2013

O Fim (The End)

Sempre soube que esse dia chegaria e chegou. Minha conta do Mediafire foi suspensa. Nenhum link do blog jamais funcionará novamente. Antes da conta ser suspensa recebi mais alguns strikes contra os arquivos hospedados, dessa vez com uma maior explicação e nome da empresa reclamante (I always knew this day would eventualy come and it's now upon us. My mediafire account was shut down. No link in the blog will work ver again. Before the account suspension I received a few more strikes against the files, but this time it came with a more detailed explanation and the name of the company who complained:
MediaFire has received notification under the provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") that your usage of a file is allegedly infringing on the file creator's copyright protection.
The file named 1976 - It's A Boy Part I.rar is identified by the key (tlmioznj5jz).
As a result of this notice, pursuant to Section 512(c)(1)(C) of the DMCA, we have suspended access to the file.
The reason for suspension was:
Information about the party that filed the report:
Company Name: Muso TNT Limited
Contact Address: Studio 12, 6-8 Cole Street London SE1 4YH
Contact Name: legal@muso.com
Contact Phone: 
Contact Email: legal@muso.com
Copyright infringement violates MediaFire's Terms of Service. MediaFire accounts that experience multiple incidents of alleged copyright infringement without viable counterclaims may be terminated.
Copyrighted media relating to 'Jethro Tull'
E essa foi a história. Alguns dias depois a conta foi exterminada. Me diverti muito postando os bootlegs nesse blog. Arrumando as MP3 em bom bitrate, ajeitando todas as tags, caçando artwork quando não tinha, levantando dados sobre os shows para postar com todas informações, e comentando sobre o bootleg em questão. Muitos bootlegs e gravações raras do Jethro Tull, coisas como o bootleg da John Evan's Band e Waters Edge, o último sendo um show da nova turnê solo do Ian com TAAB 1 e 2 inteiras. Meu próximo post seria um show do Martin Barre's New Day, que está muito legal, reintrepertações de clássicos do Tull com o grande Martin e outros ótimos músicos. Vai ficar pra próxima. Hoje infelizmente não tenho mais o tempo hábil para achar outro meio de compartilhar tudo isso, esse blog ficará aqui em memória da diversão que me proporcionou, da satisfação de compartilhar coisas que quando ouvi pela primeira vez me deixaram maravilhado, e poder proporcionar isso a outros fãs pelo mundo. Foi muito legal. Ficará na memória!
Obrigado a todos que acessaram, ajudaram, mandaram e-mails e curtiram isso tudo!

And that was the story. Some days after the account was terminated. I had a lot of fun posting the bootlegs here. Encoding the MP3 with a good bitrate, working on the tags, looking for artworks when there was none available (even made some!), searching for data about the show to post all relevant information, and comenting about the bootlegs. Many bootlegs and rare recording of Jethro Tull, things like the bootleg of John Evan's Band e Waters Edge, the last one was a show of the current Ian tour with the complete TAAB 1 and 2. My next one was going to be a show of Martin Barre's New Day, wich is quite good, Tull classics reinterpreted by good old Martin and great musicians. Maybe next time. Nowadays I do not have the time anymore to find a new way to share all that stuff, this blog will remain here in memory of all the fun I had with it, the satisfaction of sharing stuff that made me astonished when I first heard them, and being able to give the same oportunity to fans around the world. We had a hell of a run! 
Thanks to everyone who visited the blog, helped out, sent e-mails and enjoyed all of this!

Keep on Tullin'!

quarta-feira, 11 de julho de 2012


Hoje recebi o seguinte e-mail do Mediafire deletando arquivos do DVD do show em Instanbul (Today I received the following e-mail from Mediafire erasing files from the Instanbul DVD):
The file (1991 - Instanbul Amphithatre DVD.part08.rar) violates the MediaFire Terms of Service. Due to it being distributed from your account, it has been removed. Also, a Strike has been placed against your account and can lead to a termination of service.
Respondi com o seguinte texto (I answered the following text):
Today I received e-mails about files that were deleted for violating terms of service.
I have a blog called Bootullegs, in wich I post exclusivelly bootlegs of the band Jethro Tull and it's members.
A bootleg is an amateur recording of a concert, not available comercially, therefore a recording no one profits from. I distribute this recordings for free, because I love this band. This recordings, and this blog are for people who have all official material of the band and still like it so much that want more and more.
I respect copyrights, I have posted things and taken them off when discovered they were officialy released, once I posted a show in 2008 that was released some time later and I took it of the air and posted a link for people to buy the album from Amazon.
I want to know what is wrong with distributing the files I distribute. I have been using Mediafire services for a long time without complaints, if this is to come to an end I would appreciate if the whys were explained to me really well.
I noticed that a DVD was the pivot of this, if someone really owns it I will take it of the air immediately with a excuse me blog post to go with it. Please help me figure this out. 
My blog: http://bootlegstullianos.blogspot.com.br/
The refered post that was taken of the air: http://bootlegstullianos.blogspot.com.br/2008/11/2008-avo-session-basel.html 
Estou esperando uma resposta, mas não tenho grandes esperanças. Se a conta for fechada, infelizmente o blog também parará as atividades. Resta esperar.  (I am waiting for an answer, without big hopes. If the account is closed, unfortunately, the blog will also stop the activities. Now we wait)