'...and the first Moths of summer
suicidal came, suicidal came.'

domingo, 24 de novembro de 2013

A New Day and Brick Live and Full

No, I'm not talking about Martin Barre's New Day. It's a New Day for the blog. It happens I'm quite involved with Jethro Tull once more, listening a lot, reading a lot, putting things together for a Tull project I hope one day I'll be able to disclose to you all. Tull it's one the things in my life that comes and goes all the time but never leaves for good. I just really stopped due to the big dissapointment of having all my posts of years wasted by Mediafire's decision to shut down my account. I'm not capable now of uploading the bootlegs once more because I have no access to them at this moment. My external HD has just died and my main notebook is with a weird problem. I can't log on in my admin account, so everything is locked there. Safe but inacessible for now.
I'll begin, however, to post a few things in here. I don't really know what I'll be posting in the future, but yesterday I came accross a Youtube video that ignited my sleeping, but not dead, pleasure to share Tull through this blog. So without any more delays, a Pro-shot film of Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson & Band perfoming Thick As A Brick live, like the old days. It's nice to see this. The music is really well played, the overcoats, the phone thing updated with Skype, and Ryan O'Donnel helping out really well with the vocal parts.
Really awesome. Hope you enjoy! Oh, and leave a comment, so I can see if this blog still has any audience at all!

Keep on Tullin'!


5 comentários:

  1. Welcome back my friend. Sorry to hear about your woes, I'm sure you will bounce back. Keep your dreams alive, and living in the past!

  2. Olá, Lucas! Triste ouvir sobre o fechamento da sua conta no Mediafire! Saiba que tenho muitos bootlegs que revisito com muita frequência graças ao seu blog e, claro, à sua disposição em compartilhar tais preciosidades conosco! O menestrel conhece o seu blog! Keep on Tullin'

    Camila Veilchen

    1. Olá! Tudo bem Camila?

      Muito obrigado pelo comment!
      Planejo fazer algo pra agitar o blog mas tô numa correria que não tenho tido tempo pra fazer isso.

      Uma dúvida, o que você quis dizer com "O menestrel conhece seu blog"?


  3. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
