Hello guys!
I began reuploading a few bootlegs. I intend to do it with more recordings in a near future. I upload them on Mega. Let's see if it works out.
For now, the bootlegs available are the ones listed below:
Local: Recored in Château d'Hérouville in August and September of 1972.
Tracks: Intro / Scenario / Audition / Skating Away on the Thin Ice of a New Day / Sailor / No Rehearsal
Quality: Excelent
Total Length: 21:13 min.
Download link:
Download (94,7 mb)
Comments: I recently have been listening a lot to Nightcap and the Chateau recordings. I remembered about the Minstrel in the Red House bootlegs that includes the raw recording of what was to be a side of the double album that was reworked as A Passion Play. I then found a bootleg called "The Lost Chateau Album (A Partial Reconstruction). It is very interesting as an attempted to recreate to some degree the double album. Of this bootleg I will post only this piece, it's the track from Minstrel in the Red House remastered, and the guy who did the remastering did a really wonderful job. I unfortunately don't know his name to credit him here. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!