'Now he's too old to Rock'n'Roll but he's too young to die!'

quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2020

A bootlegless update


I don't know if anyone will read this. It feels like forever since I last tried to upload a few bootlegs here and share a little bit of everything I got over the years. Nowadays, it's all cramped in a HD somewhere and I doubt I will ever take a second look at it. Truth be told, every show from a Tull tour's leg is the same. Exactly the same, down to every single note, even the ones that might sound improvised. In this scenario, before each audition, there was a lot of rehearsal.
I picked one from each year, the ones that sounded better, and am I very happy listening to them, thank you very much. Also, nowadays, with the 40th (sometimes 50th) anniversary boxsets being released, all the hidden gems are officially out in the open. Could you guys imagine thinks like Old Aces Die Hard? The longer version of Orion? So many wonderful pieces of music.

I saw Ian play live for the first time after my last post, and one time more after that. And I also saw a Martin Barre concert with Dee Palmer. I even had to chance to talk to them, take pics and get autographs, and it was awesome. Covid-19 got in the way of me seing Ian a third time, sadly. Maybe next year. 

Anyway, I just remembered about this blog. The memory came to me out of nowhere. It was so much fun putting it together, downloading bootlegs from shady FLAC torrent sites, converting them to MP3 (because who has space for a bootleg that occupies 4 gigabytes?) and uploading them here. 
I am very sorry if you are an audiophile and you got mad at me at some point. You see, I can't tell the difference between FLAC and 320 kbps MP3, so I never cared. Apart from that, I am deeply grateful to all the guys that taped those concerts, but converting and uploading them somewhere else never weighed on my conscience. I just wanted that amazing music that never got to see the light of day to reach more fans. And I thinks I did a quite decent job with that.
I remember getting comments and e-mails from people all around the globe, and it was so satisfying talking with those guys and very gratifying to hear how thankful they where for this blog. 

Nowadays my life got much more complicated (adulthood gets real after your 25th birthday), my interests shifted towards SFF literature and all the time I have goes towards this passion. 

Anyway, I just felt the urge to post and say hi. The post before this one contains the only bootlegs that are still available for download. I shall not repost them once and if the links fail, and I don't plan on adding new content to the blog. I will just let it here, as a testament of my love for all things Tull.

Thanks for visiting and, as I used to say in the old days, 
Keep on Tullin'!

Lucas Ferraz